Reflections in the Looking Glass: Transforming AI into Market-Ready Business Services

Reflections in the Looking Glass: Transforming AI into Market-Ready Business Services

“Even the greatest stars change themselves in the looking glass.”

Reflecting on our internal workshop session in Nice, which focused on transforming and expanding my business into new areas, I realize we, too, find ourselves in the looking glass.

Since entering the AI sector, I’ve witnessed rapid developments. What began as a second-opinion tool has now evolved into a key companion in my business, powering several internal services. ChatGPT stands out as the most intelligent text engine, Claude excels in handling documents and data, and Grok leads in creative AI. Additionally, Firefly is essential for production. Copilot, though not yet fast or intuitive enough for extensive use, benefits from its integration with Microsoft Office. Several other services are still under evaluation.

This session explored how these services can be elevated to the next level—transitioning from virtual coworkers to market-ready, packaged business services.

Lunch with MLK

Lunch with MLK

Working in the cloud means you get virtual lunch companions. Today I was joined by MLK, and Martin delivered his iconic 1967 speech – Blueprint for Life. It is, in my opinion, one of his more multifaceted speeches, with a depth filled with new perspectives every time I listen to it.
Your heart is in every line, and you still open our minds.

When I now finish my lunch to go ahead with preparing the implementation of board work in a listed company, I will go with the below. See you again tomorrow at lunch, Martin.

“Be a bush if you can’t be a tree. If you can’t be a highway, be a trail! If you can’t be the Sun, be a star. For it isn’t by size that you win or you fail. Be the best of whatever you are.”