Reflections in the Looking Glass: Transforming AI into Market-Ready Business Services

Reflections in the Looking Glass: Transforming AI into Market-Ready Business Services

“Even the greatest stars change themselves in the looking glass.”

Reflecting on our internal workshop session in Nice, which focused on transforming and expanding my business into new areas, I realize we, too, find ourselves in the looking glass.

Since entering the AI sector, I’ve witnessed rapid developments. What began as a second-opinion tool has now evolved into a key companion in my business, powering several internal services. ChatGPT stands out as the most intelligent text engine, Claude excels in handling documents and data, and Grok leads in creative AI. Additionally, Firefly is essential for production. Copilot, though not yet fast or intuitive enough for extensive use, benefits from its integration with Microsoft Office. Several other services are still under evaluation.

This session explored how these services can be elevated to the next level—transitioning from virtual coworkers to market-ready, packaged business services.

Revitalizing Board Engagement: Dynamic Workshop Sessions in London’s Elegant Tea Salons

Revitalizing Board Engagement: Dynamic Workshop Sessions in London’s Elegant Tea Salons

Among the board workshop sessions that I most enjoy and am proud to have created through my know-how, experience, and network, are those designed to infuse boards with a sense of inspiration and vitality. The latest session was hosted in a sophisticated salon located in a prominent area of London, renowned for its elegant atmosphere and distinguished setting. This environment was specifically chosen to foster a sense of inspiration and vitality among the board members.

The session uniquely blends a tea lunch with the privilege of accessing a reading room, along with a stimulating task. Each board member is challenged to identify three headlines in international newspapers that are relevant to business or business development, focusing on business prospects over the next 1-3 years.

This methodology aligns with the vital role that boards play in the formulation of an organization’s strategic goals. It demands a comprehensive understanding of market dynamics, competitive landscapes, and evolving trends. Effective boards transcend the traditional role of merely approving strategies; they are actively involved in shaping them, contributing invaluable perspectives and insights from their diverse experiences and expertise.

Strategic Business Developer and Board Member with a Flair for Storytelling

Strategic Business Developer and Board Member with a Flair for Storytelling

In my business assignments, I often produce presentations and create company descriptions or information memorandums to realize the value of companies, as well as their upcoming growth and business development. With a background that combines graphic design, business development, and board membership—along with a track record of several share issues and growth journeys in both listed and growth companies—I possess the ability to identify the right details and craft compelling business narratives.

Additionally, I am someone who always brings an extra level of detail to every meeting.

The cufflinks I wear today are from a semi-independent order of chivalry, linked to one of the former imperial or royal courts in Europe. Take note of the two-barred cross, also known as the Cross of Lorraine. Béla III was the first monarch to use the two-barred cross, a symbol that even appeared on the coinage of the Byzantine Empire during the time of the reign of Emperor Justinian II. This symbol later made its way to Western Europe via the House of Anjou and became known as the Cross of Lorraine. Notably, the Cross of Lorraine was also used as a symbol of Free France during World War II.

Unlocking Board Potential: A Copenhagen Blueprint for Inspiration, Growth, and Diverse Perspectives

A research trip to Copenhagen aims to enrich upcoming meetings for a variety of external boards of directors (not my ordinary assignements, in this case upcoming new clients), thereby broadening their perspective. Many boards rigidly follow a set agenda, a practice I find insufficient and shall be action based. I believe that board activities and business development initiatives are crucial for increasing shareholder value. The role of a board of directors is not just a ceremonial title; it’s a mission to help the company scale and adopt a broader view.

I am exploring Copenhagen to identify a mix of board workshops, cultural experiences, and themed restaurant visits. These elements will be woven into upcoming new clients – the board’s developmental agenda, focusing on themes and subjects designed to inspire growth.

This post also highlights the importance of personality. Each board is teeming with unique personalities that contribute to its DNA and, in turn, influence the company’s character. How can we draw inspiration from external standout personalities? Moreover, how can we learn from their successes, even if those have been achieved in other sectors of society?

This time, the path led me to the Labour Museum in Copenhagen, where I saw a wall poster featuring none other than Anker Jörgensen (Danish politician who served at various times as Prime Minister). The museum’s basement houses the classic Smørrebrød restaurant Café & Ølhalle “1892,” (a comimg destination on my board trips and workshops) complete with workers’ beer—a darker classic lager that exudes natural personality, much like Anker himself. Exemplified by Ankers refusal to move into the official Prime Minister residence Marienborg, preferring to stay with his wife in their small apartment in a working class area of Copenhagen.

Decoding the Next Chapter in Business Development: Data Analytics, Customer Focus, and Global Partnerships

Decoding the Next Chapter in Business Development: Data Analytics, Customer Focus, and Global Partnerships

The future of business development is set for transformative changes on multiple fronts.

  • Rising Demand: The need for business development professionals is expected to grow, making it a key focus area for talent acquisition.
  • Data-Driven Approach: Businesses will increasingly rely on data analytics to identify opportunities and measure progress, making business development more accountable and effective.
  • Customer-Centricity: The shift towards understanding and meeting customer needs will be more pronounced, influencing product and service development.
  • Strategic Partnerships: The trend towards forming alliances and partnerships will accelerate, allowing businesses to leverage each other’s strengths for mutual growth.
  • Technology’s Role: Advancements in technology will streamline business development processes and open new avenues for market expansion.
  • Globalization: As businesses look to scale, international expansion will continue to be a significant trend, driving the need for globally-minded business development strategies.