
Discovering Wine Delights: Zinfandel and Riesling Highlights

Sisters and brothers, it is with great honor and privilege that I present to you three selected wines from the wine exhibition in Gothenburg.

I am usually not a fan of wine labeled by famous people and tend to avoid it. However, after connecting with music artist Jill Johnson and learning about her sommelier background, I gained a deeper appreciation for her private label. It offers a variety that appears American-styled but ultimately delivers the famous Zinfandel taste.

As usual, a couple of Rieslings stand out, playing well in different areas. Perhaps the Riesling is still the master of grapes, and Germany perfects its creation. The Kallfelz Sensus Riesling Hochgewächs Trocken is a dry and elegant wine, while the Deidesheimer Herrgottsacker Riesling Spätlese offers sweet tones yet maintains a developed taste that is not too sweet.